Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday's Assignments

Religion - p.51-54
PA - Quiz & p.108 2-46 ~ Test Wednesday
Alg - p.125 & 128 evens, Test Tomorrow
Reading - Vocab
Vocab - Lesson 5
History - p.38 1-2 WK
Science - WK ~ Test Wednesday
5/6 Science - p.A70&71 Skip any 3 ~ Test Friday

Huge thanks to the Reese K of C for the pizza lunch today.

A permission slip is going home today regarding staying after school on Wednesday for the soup supper. Please bring a change of clothes, blue & khaki for service. Hat's on Day Wednesday to benefit kids with cancer.

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