Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday's Assignments

Religion - Prayer Service
PA - p.272 2-56 B56
Alg -p.359 2-40 B36
Reading - Quiz Girl Called Boy ~ Read Ch. 9-12 for Tuesday Quiz
Vocab - Test 14
History - Test (great scores!)
Science - WK ~ Test Tuesday
5/6 Science - None ~ Test Friday

Have an awesome extra long weekend!


Bryce said...

Hey Mrs. P,

Today we had basketball games in Gladwin. We lost both of them. We did pretty good considering we had five people and no one got to sit out. The only breaks we had were timeouts. Have a good extra long weekend.


Dawn said...

Wow! Only five? What was up with that? Glad you survived.