Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuesday's Assignments

Religion - Read p. 160 -163
PA - Pretest - Retest on Ch. 5 tomorrow
Alg - p. 359 2-40 B30,36
Reading - Quiz ~ Read Johnny Tremain Ch. 1 and do Journal Entry
Vocab - Lesson 16
History - p. 173 1-4
Science - Intro Muscles
5/6 Science - None


Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs P! :)

For the journal, I'm making a Heading which requires me to make a title. Can the title be anything or do you have something specific you'd like? Oh, and can I make up a fake date and year just to keep it real?



Dawn said...

Title can be anything; everything else I'd like to keep true.

Anonymous said...

Okay thanks! :D


Jill said...

Maybe I missed it, but as I was reading through the book I couldn't find a date or even a month in the book......have any ideas??

Dawn said...

It's 1774 in July - you'll read that later but for your journal purpose there you go. Pre-Revolution time here.

Jill said...

Another question, I can only find 2 historical events or characters. Is there one more I'm no thinking of??

Dawn said...

Don't worry about just people. You can talk about the apprenticeship program which was important in those days, how the Bible/church was a priority, simple things like how they lived, Boston, etc. I hope this helps.