Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday's Assignments

Religion - WK
PA - p. 295 2-24 B16, p. 298 1-17All ~ Quiz tomorrow
Alg- p. 914-915 odds
Reading - Johnny Tremain Quiz XII
Vocab - Finish lesson 18, words/sentences ~ Test tomorrow
History - None
Science - p. 236-237 SA 3 ~ Due next Thursday ~ Test Monday Feb. 20th
5/6 Science - B68 1-5 WK ~ Test Monday Feb. 20th

Tomorrow we will be burning the palms if you would like to bring your palms to school tomorrow.


Jill said...

Heyy Mrs. P,
I don't really understand the Algebra so tomorrow do u think u can teach it to me?? Sorry for the trouble.

Dawn said...

Yes we will work on it after mass.

Lauren said...

Can we use calc

Dawn said...

Yes Lauren

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. P! :)

I ran into something sciencey when I was in the airplane. I had brought a bad of chips along with me for a snack, and when I wanted it, it was all blown up so I could barely open it. LOL, crazy air pressure.

~Erin :)

Dawn said...

Hehe that's awesome Erin. Have a great time in FL.