Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday's Assignments

Greetings from Ann Arbor. Here are the assignments that I wanted accomplished today. I don't have my lesson plans in front of me so maybe a student can leave a comment with specific page numbers. Also, I'm not sure if Mr. J got through everything.

Religion - Mass & WK
Transition - Quiz
Pre-Algebra - lesson 10.6
Algebra - Test
Reading - Sarah Bishop Quiz ~ read Ch. 6-10 for Monday
Vocab - Test 27
History - Lesson 12.4
Science - Review 12 2nd book page skip any 2. ~ Test Tuesday
5/6 Science - Test

I hope you all had a good day. If any of you are on, let me know how the day went.

Good luck in the volleyball games tomorrow! Play hard!


Anonymous said...

Omg!!! Saturday was my last home St.E game!!! I can't believe that the years gone by so fast! Anyways WE Won all 3 games!!! wish u come have seen us we did really good!!See you tomorrow!!

8th grader

Dawn said...

Dear 8th grader :P

Great job on a fine grade school volleyball career. You're a very impressive player and no doubt Reese High School will be very impressed when you arrive.

Wish I was there, I'm sorry I had to miss it. :(

Mrs. P