Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday's Assignments

Religion - make a Valentine for your prayer buddy.
PA - p.334 2-6, p.337 2-42 SA1
Alg - p.439 4-40 B30,34,38 ~ Quiz tomorrow
Reading - None
Vocab - Continue lesson 18
History - p. 167 1-4
Science - p.243 1-4 WK
5/6 Science - p. B105 1-3 WK

Please remember to turn in all ski forms on Thursday. Also don't forget to get your presale tickets for the Pompeii night if you know of anyone who would like to go.

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