Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Catholic Schools Week At A Glance!

Note each day has a specific dress code! 

Sunday: 11:00 Mass 12:00 Potluck followed by Science Extravaganza.  Wear your Sunday best. :)

Monday: Mass with Bishop Cistone and visit at St. Thomas Aquinas ~ Khaki/White Navy Only Plain or SEACS sweatshirts with embroidered cross. 

Tuesday: Prayer for the missions.  Temple Theatre Visit Khaki & Red (SE Sweatshirts OK)

Wednesday: Prayer for Service.  Pajama Day we are asking for $5 per family for the Missions to participate in this.  Visits from Sr. Yvonne Mary and the MI Blood Program.  DEAR in the afternoon.  Bring your snuggies!

Thursday: Popcorn Prayer. Visit the nursing home/assisted living facility.  Lunch at Ponderosa.  Bowl-A-Thon.  Khaki/White Nayv All SE sweatshirts including sports sweatshirts are allowed.

Friday:  Living Rosary.  Jean Day. Pep Assembly in the afternoon. 

Saturday:  Boys Basketball Tournament.  Snowball Dance 6-8 ~ Casual Dress!

It's going to be a GREAT WEEK!!! 

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