Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday's Assignments

Religion - Mass & WK
PA - p. 189 2-80 B66,68,70
Alg - p. 239 2-42 B38,40
Reading - None ~ Quiz on the Plague Monday
Vocab - Test 10
History -p. 125 1-3
Science - None
5/6 Science - p. A151 1-4 WK

Have a GREAT weekend!


Makayla said...

hey mrs. p i forgot the question for church do you remeber it???

Dawn said...

It was something about what will it be like when Jesus returns and how can we prepare ourselves for his return.

Lauren said...

Hey Mrs. Papesh

I am doing my scrapbook project and I was wondering if you could tell me what we need to have on the scrapbook because I dont have my sheet here with me and I just need the directions on how to do the scrapbook. If you could tell me that would be awesome!!!

Thanks lauren

Dawn said...

Lauren - I'll send your Mom an email and attach the instruction document for you.

Mrs. P

Hope said...

i'm doing ELA and i know u r not the best at that but i was hoping u could help me with something i am doing a persuasive essay about how animal abuse is bad and i need reasons 2 support my essay so i need help on what is should look up. u are probably still at church or having breakfast right know but i should be online most of the time but if u could write back as soon as possible that would be great or if u do not know a word of what i am talking about maybe u could contact mrs. Bojo 4 me! Thanks! have a great day. ;)

Hope said...

Sorry thats a lot to ask but i need help because mrs. bojo said if we did not have a paper on monday "WE WOULD BE IN BIG TROUBLE!!!" Thanks again

Dawn said...

Hope - You've got such a hot button issue I really think you could just write from your heart. Definitely utilize your Faith here and give support of how God as the creator of all creatures big and small would not approve of mistreating his beings.

And then I guess I'd go look at sites like the Humane Society and see what they have to say on the issue, I'm sure they'd have a lot of info for you.

Hope this helps.

Mrs. P

Hope said...

Thank u very much that will help have a good day

Makayla said...

hope just to let you know u have to have some kind of evidence to back it up. i already tried to do that but mrs. bojo said u need edivence.

Jill said...

Mrs. P
Do you think you can email me the directions for the Algebra Scrapbook Project?? My email is jillbarber1998@yahoo.com