Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursday's Assignments

Religion - Stations ~ Song Project Due Monday
PA - p. 365 2-36 B26,28 ~ Quiz Tomorrow
Alg - Test
Reading - Quiz
Vocab - Finish lesson 21, words 3x/sentences ~ Test Tomorrow
History - p. 240-241 SA 2 ~ Test Monday
Science - None
5/6 Science - Test

I will not be here tomorrow so you have the weekend to get the history/math done if you want to focus on vocab tonight.  Vocab you will be grading together so get that done.  Be good for your sub.

You all look awesome in your DC shirts!


Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. P! :)

On the Religion essay, does it have to be at least 300-400 words, or just 300-400 words?


Makayla said...

hey mrs .p can i stay in from recess tommorrow i need help on my math i was getting it at first but now i am lost.?????????????
i asked for help but my mom wanted me to just stay in.

Dawn said...

You can but I am on recess duty. I'll try and work with you sometime in the morning.