Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday's Assignments

Religion - Mass  ~ Jack & Preston are up next week for posters
PA - p. 52 2-64 ~ Test Wednesday
Alg - p. 67 2-60 B52,60
Reading Red - Finish Reading Flowers for Algernon part 1 ~ Quiz Wednesday
Reading Yellow - Quiz
Vocab - Test
G.S. - p. 49 1-4 ~ Test next Friday
Science - WK ~ Test Monday
5/6 Science - WK ~ Test Wednesday

Enrichment class students are finished with me for the next three weeks.  There was an extra credit option given to make a large sized postage stamp which honors the book and author.  10 points possible and it is due on Monday.

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend and we will maybe see you on Sunday at the Fall Fun Day at Findlay's!


Makayla said...

Finished The Cupcake Queen book this weekend Mrs. P so I will be ready to test on Monday!!!!

Makayla said...

I am now starting a 5 point book then a 9 point book and hopefully i meet my goal at least

Dawn said...

Sounds great! You can do it!

Makayla said...

Thanks!!!!!! I will be late cus Chase and I have a doc app. At 9:36. weird time i know!!!