Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday's Assignments

Religion - WK
PA - p. 66 2-64 B52
Alg - Quiz, p. 87 1-7, p. 95 2-12 B12 ~ Requiz tomorrow as many in the class did not do well.  STUDY THOSE PROPERTIES!!! I don't give many 2nd chances!
Reading - NONE for both classes
Vocab - words3x/sentences, finish lesson 3 ~ Test tomorrow
G.S. - Pretest ~ Test tomorrow
Science - None
5/6 Science - Vocab Ch. 2

National Honor Society students may dress up tomorrow for the induction ceremony.

Happy Birthday to Ryan! 


Anonymous said...

Mrs p I kindve have a problem um I left all of my vocab at school and I don't do any of it so I mean I can come into school earlier tommrow and try to get it done for the test:(! Sorry about all of this!


Lauren said...

Hey Mrs. Papesh I kind've have a problem. I left all of my vocab at school and I haven't even started it yet. I can come in tommorow and maybe try to finish it before the grading and test! I am really sorry about all of this!

Dawn said...

Hi Lauren, sorry for the late reply. My cell phone didn't alert me to comments. Anywho, yes come in early if you can otherwise you can catch up at recess.