Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday's Assignments

Reading Class - I do see that I missed a fill in the blank term. I will retype that part of the quiz and you can redo it tomorrow. Sorry if this caused any of you some stress.

Religion - WK ~ St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian
PA - Quiz, p. 28 2-14
Alg - p. 31 6-24, 2-6 B22&24 ~ Quiz tomorrow
Reading - Quiz
Vocab - Finish lesson 2 ~ Test tomorrow
Global STudies - Pretest ~ Test tomorrow
Science - p.46-47 SA 1 Due Monday ~ Test Tuesday
5/6 Science - Quiz Bowl

I hope you all had a great day. Thank you to Mrs. Hecht for subbing for me this afternoon as well as tomorrow afternoon.

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