Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday's Assignments

Religion - Mass
PA - p.210 2-46 ~ Test Tuesday
Alg - Test
Reading - Quiz
Vocab - Test
History - Ch. Rev - SA 3 ~ Test Tuesday
Science - None
5/6 Science - None

Don't forget Sunday is the All School Mass at 11:00. Thank you!


Kasey! : ) said...

Hi Mrs. P! I don't really have anything to say so.....
'kay bye! Peace, Love, & Twilight! TEAM JACOB!!!!! ~ Kasey<3

Alex said...

Hey Miss P!!!!!! I hope that you have a fantabulous weekend!!!! I hope that no one else gets sick amymore. I hope Minny is ok all by herself, all alone in the dark, no one to talk to too. Oh poor Minny! I love her and I wove you!

Dawn said...

Hi girls! I hope you're both having an excellent Friday night!

I only have 30 pages to go in New Moon. TEAM EDWARD!

And yes, lets hope no one else gets sick! It was nice having everyone back all week.

Bryce :) said...

Hi Mrs. P,

I'm just getting ready for my first basketball game. Did you finish New Moon yet? You have to start eclipse right away. Eclipse was my favorite book! Go see New Moon!


Andrew said...

Hay Mrs.p you know whay sounds so good right now. Apple cider

Dawn said...

Hi guys!

Bryce - I finished New Moon last night and can't wait to start Eclipse. I can't imagine it beating the first two. I hope your games went well.

Andrew - Hope you get some apple cidar.

See you both tomorrow at mass.

andrew said...

you rock mrs p you rock. and I did not get some apple cider but ya see ya tomarro

Bryce:) said...

Hi Mrs. P,

We lost both games. They were double the size of us. Ryan being the shortest one on the team had an advatage; He could sneak in between everydody. See you in Church tomorrow.
