Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thursday's Assignments

Religion - p.122-124
PA - p.222 2-74 B64
Alg - p.305 4-46 B38, 44
Reading - Changing Quiz II ~ finish book for tomorrow
Vocab - words/sentences finish lesson 11
History - p.113 1-4
Science - None
5/6 Science - WK ~ Test tomorrow


Bryce said...

Hey Mrs. P,

i remebered to spell correctly this time! Hope your feeling better! Hopefully see you in school tomorrow!

Dawn said...

Thanks Bryce - Oh mercy what an evening. You'll be having a sub all day. Austin & I are feeling better but Tommy has been getting sick since 10:45 now. I so hope nobody else gets this, it's nasty!

Have a good day!

Andrew said...

oh Mrs.p hope you get better soon and have a good weekend. See you maybe on Monday. P.S. the play went pretty good today

Alex!!!!!!! :) (: said...

Hey O Miss Papesh!!!! I hope yuo feel better on mOnaday so that you can come back to school. I MADE MY ACCELERATED MATH GOAL TODAY!!!!!! The play went pretty well today. We all lined up in the right spots too. Well hopefully see you on Monday!!! Feel better soon!!!!!!! Buh Bye!!! :)(:

Dawn said...

Hi Andrew & Alex - Thanks for the well wishes. We're all doing better. Thank goodness! I should see you on Monday! Glad to hear that play practice went well.

Awesome job Alex on making your goal!