Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday's Assignments

Religion - Mass ~ Great job to our readers and servers; it was a wonderful mass.
PA - p. 27 1-23 ALL, p. 28 1-14 ALL B14
Alg - p. 24 2-50 B44, 46c, 48; 2-8
Reading - Start An Unforgettable Journey
Vocab - None
History - p. 20-21  SA 2 ~ Test Tuesday
Science - p. 50-51 SA 3 ~ Due Tuesday ~ Test Wednesday
5/6 Science - make up 5 questions about Ch. 1 ~ Test Wednesday

Have a GREAT weekend!


Anonymous said...

hey mrs p i am so confused about the assiments i will get done wednesdays assiments but need help with the rest or u can just help me when u get this. amy is doing very good but tired. chase is doing good and a really good baby.

Dawn said...

Don't worry about it Makayla do what you can and we will work on it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

thanks mrs. p i need so much help i am so afraid i won't get it done and i am looking at the bog and i see all the tests ahhhhhhh more studing to do. to much to hold down

Dawn said...

Can you stay after school one day and I can help you catch up? I could run you home after.

Anonymous said...

omg thanks mrs p ask my dad on facebook or amy i don't care but that would soooo work.

Anonymous said...

hey mrs p i need help with math questions can u help me please?

Dawn said...

I just got home you can call me if you think I can help over the phone otherwise we can work on it tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

just going a little crazy here mrs p