Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday's Assignments

Religion - WK
PA - p.44 2-52, B26c, 42, 44
Alg - p. 46 2-22 B14, 2-4; p. 50 2-8; p.51 2-6 ~ Quiz Monday
Reading - Begin reading Song of the Trees
Vocab - Test 1
History - p. 31 1-4
Science - Ch. 2 Vocab
5/6 Science - Ch. 2 Vocab

Have a great extra long weekend!


makayla said...

hey mrs p i found my vocab book it was in my pillow case for some odd reason and it is all done.

Dawn said...

Thank goodness Makayla! Enjoy your day off.

Makayla said...

are u going to the parade tonight?

Dawn said...

I will be there.

Makayla said...

do we have to have candy?

Dawn said...

No, candy is optional.

Makayla said...

u should come over after the parade to see the baby agian.

Makayla said...

do we have science homework? i didn't see the borad before i felt and when i asked Jack he said no.

Dawn said...

Five vocabulary terms from chapter two for science. I'll get around to see Chase soon. I went and got him a gift. So I'll have to bring it over soon.

Makayla said...

i dont think we have science just checking though. do we?

Makayla said...

so that is all in science? do we have to right senctences to or not? that is nice of u to him a gift.

Dawn said...

Yes, just vocabulary.

Makayla said...

how is alhelsy? is she all better or what?

Makayla said...

okay thanks

Dawn said...

Ashley is better she has an ear infection. I'm in my meeting so I should go. Will see you tonight for the parade.

Makayla said...

u should take a class picture of us so u can put it on the blog. and mom thinks that i am bothering u so i should get off so i stop bother u.

Makayla said...


Makayla said...

do we get like 3 jean day passes for going to the parade in the rain?

Dawn said...

Haha that made me chuckle. You'll have to ask Ms. Gabbie about that one.

Makayla said...

hey mrs.p can u tell mrs. bojo that i cant get my computer to let me finish my writing on crietion? please.

Dawn said...

Sorry Makayla - you should email her or post on her blog page.