Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thursday's (I mean Wednesday's) Assignments

Religion - p. 19-20
PA - p. 18 2-44, B38
Alg - p. 18 2-38, 2-10 B30&34 ~ Quiz tomorrow
Reading - p. 27 1-12, 1-4, 1-5 writing applications, and choices pick one ~ Quiz tomorrow on Amigo Brothers
Vocab - Still none but all books are in and we'll start next week.
History - p. 13 1-2
Science - None
5/6 Science - Quiz Bowl

Many students tried different instruments today for band!  Be sure and ask your child about it!


Anonymous said...

hey mrs. P i am at the hostiple right now so i don't know when i will have time to do my homework sorry

Dawn said...

Extenuating circumstances Makayla. Enjoy your family time; your homework can wait. Snuggle that baby for me when he gets here. <3 Mrs. P

Jill said...

Mrs. P
I accidentally grabbed me s.s. book instead of my math book im gonna have to do it in the morning :( just telling ya now so you know for in the morning

Dawn said...

Ok Jill see you in the morning.

Anonymous said...

why does this post say its thursday instead on wednesday_--Lorenz

Anonymous said...

he is here mrs.P we still don't know the name i will get on when we find out there is a picture on facebook of him i think go check

Lorenz said...

Mrs. papesh my mom is wondering why teacherease won't show my grades and it "says sorry,no active classes exist for this student. Thanks

Dawn said...

Lorenz - oops it's Wednesday ;) I will have to see about the teacherease. Tell your mom I will look into it.

Makayla - congrats!! Woo hoo!!

Dawn said...

Lorenz - Tell you Mom to make sure she has the right year selected. I went to look and saw that 2012-2013 was the default year. Not sure how that happened but see if that helps.


Anonymous said...

He is soooo cute I am not coming to school tomorrow so will u tell hope I am sorry about not being there to help with the rest of the poster I feel so bad my dad wants to know how many days I have for my homework

Dawn said...

I will let Hope know. Lets try and have the homework caught up by Monday if possible. I can work with you Friday during recess too. I can't wait to meet your baby brother and am anxious to know his name.

Anonymous said...

chase michael goodrow is the new addition.

Anonymous said...

how is everything going in class mrs p i missed a lot i see.

Anonymous said...

hi mrs p i need help with math can u help me?