Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday's Assignments

Religion - Thanksgiving cards for prayer buddies
PA - p. 174 2-84, B62,68,70 ~ Due Monday
Alg - p. 219 2-42, B34,40 ~ Due Monday
Reading - p. 198 1-11 WF ~ Quiz Monday
Vocab - None this week
History - p. 113 1-4
Science - WK ~ Test tomorrow
5/6 Science - Read Lesson 4.3


Dawn said...

Makayla - Put formulas and anything else that is troubling you in science on your card.

Makayla said...

like if it was your card what would you put.

Dawn said...

I would put the formulas and any laws that were confusing. I'd also put the units for the measurements like force is in Newtons, etc.

Hope said...

hey can we wear jeans tommorow?

Dawn said...

Hope - only the 8th graders because they have a field trip with the Reese kids.

Hope said...

we can use both sides of the study card 4 science right? :) ^

Dawn said...

Actually only one side Hope.