Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday's Assignments

Religion - p. 83-84 & WK 2.2
PA - p. 805 1-26 ALL ~ Quiz Tuesday
Alg - p. 179 2-42 B32,40
Reading - Finish Reading Rikki ~ Quiz Tuesday
Vocab - Test
History - Capitals Test
Science - Test
5/6 None Hartley

Have a great long weekend! Monday we will be handing out the 1st Marking Period Award Certificates if parents would like to join us during morning prayer.


Makayla said...

i did sooooo good on my state test

Dawn said...

Awesome news Makayla!!

Makayla said...

so why are u in chagio?

Dawn said...

Tommy has a hockey tournament.

Makayla said...

he is at heartly though
my grandma wants to know if we are collecting cans for d.c.

Dawn said...

Yes Makayla, we are definitely collecting cans for DC.

Makayla said...

okay thanks mrs. p so how is your day off going i am at my aunt's house and we are going to the movies tonight to see puss in boots