Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Religion Project

Sorry for the poor formatting.  

Religion Project Marking Period 2- Pick one of the following Saints or Holy People in each block ~

1st choice                            2nd Choice
Michael - Ty                             Patrick - Preston
Timothy- Lorenz                        Maximilian Kolbe - Ryan
Elizabeth - Jill                          Theresa of Avila-Erin       
Holy Mary - Mark                         Therese of Liseiux - Carly
Juan Diego - Ryan                        Augustine - Jill
Katharine Drexel - Lauren                    Monica - Hope
Francis - Erin                            Anne - Makayla
Lucy - Lucy                             Paul - Ty
Nicolas - Jack                         Luke - Zack
Cecelia - Makayla                         Peter - Lorenz
Joseph - Preston                        Pope John Paul II - Jack
Gabriel - Zack                        Mother Theresa - Lauren
Elizabeth Ann Seton - Hope                 Bishop Ken - Mark
3rd - I need a holy picture that doesn’t focus on one person.  It can be heaven, people praying, anything holy and that you found beautiful. 

I need you to find online 3 pictures of the above.  Write a very short blurb (1-3 sentences) about each Saint or Holy person describing why they were chosen as Saints. Write as if someone is reading about the person who’s never heard of them before. 

On the general holy pictures just say why you chose the said picture and what it conveys to you. 

You will not be printing anything off.  I will be incorporating your info into a slideshow presentation.  You need to send me your work either by email to dpapesh @ steliz.net or you can give it to me on a flash drive.  Make sure you use Microsoft Word for PC work or Pages if on a Mac.

This will be due on Nov. 1st in honor of All Saints Day.  25 points will go on the 2nd marking period but you can turn it in at any time.


Lauren said...

Thank you so much that cleared it up for me

Have a great rest of the weekend!!


Dawn said...

You're welcome!

Thanks, you have a great rest of the weekend too.

Mrs. P

Anonymous said...

So, wait...

It's due on Nov. 1, but you can turn it in anytime?


Dawn said...

Yes Erin, if you have it done and want to send it go ahead. Marking Period doesn't start until Tuesday though and it's going on the 2nd MP report card which you won't get until January! Yowza!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mrs. P! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. P! Sorry for bugging you so much tonight. :)

Do we need to bring anything for the potluck tomorrow?

Also, do you know when the Yule Light Poems are due? (That Mrs. Bojo assigned us to do.)


Dawn said...

Hi Erin - Sorry for the late response. The poems are due today and our class is just bringing our own lunches.