Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday's Assignments

Religion - Read p. 69-71
PA - p. 108 2-46 ~ Test Thursday
Alg - p. 150 2-44, 2-12 B44 ~ Quiz Tomorrow
Reading - Read p. 131-133 ~ Quiz Thursday
Vocab - Lesson 6
History - WK Test Friday
Science - Intro 3.2
5/6 Science p. A91 1-5 WK

Tomorrow's $1 jean day has been postponed until Thursday because the students are going to mass tomorrow.  Thanks!


Makayla said...

mrs. p for math do we just do evens or all please help me mrs. p i am so confused!!!!!!

Dawn said...

Just the evens.

Dawn said...

Just the evens.

Makayla said...

could u please answer by 8:30 please

Makayla said...

okay then just ingore my last comment and do we have any b

Dawn said...

No bonuses today.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs P! :)

For the religion Project, you said you wanted a picture that doesn't focus on one person. Did you also want us to get pictures that focus on just our saints/holy people?

I also have a question about he first saint/holy person I got.

The first person I got was Francis. Is her Saint Francis of Assisi? Or is it just Francis?

~ A very confused Erin :)

Dawn said...

Hi Erin, you have got it right. Two individual saint pictures and one general holy picture you like.
Will explain more tomorrow I'll be there in the afternoon.