Mission Statement

The staff, parents and community of St. Elizabeth Area Catholic School work together to offer students a safe, supportive, and nurturing Catholic environment. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to Gospel values, discipleship, and academic excellence.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday's Assignments

Religion - p.73-74
PA - p. 112 2-40, p. 113 2-14 ~ Test Tomorrow
Alg - Quiz
Reading - p.139 1-3 ~ Quiz tomorrow
Vocab - Continue lesson 6
History - p. 80&81 SA 2 ~ Test Friday
Science - Read p. 94-99
5/6 Science - Read p. A92-95

$1 jean day tomorrow


Erin said...

Hey Mrs. P!

I asked my Mom about why people bleed to death if their arteries get cut... and I got a good answer. :)

I'll tell you tomorrow because the comment would be a bit too long.

Also, you said that you'd explain about the saint project. Well, I guess that'll have to wait till tomorrow too. ;)

I'll also need my homewoork for Friday. (If there is any homework.) (Hint Hint.) :D
If there is homework on Friday, I'll pick it up tomorrow.


Dawn said...

Hi Erin - Sorry I didn't get to this sooner, was having a birthday party and fun, fun. :)

I can't wait to hear about your artery answer and will definitely get you squared away on the Saint project.

As for homework on Friday, it's looking like Science and Math and I'll get the work to you tomorrow(you'll have to make up your vocab and history test though).

Good night,

See you in the morning.

Lauren said...

Is the reading test like a 50 question test


Dawn said...


No, it won't be that long. Probably around 20 questions give or take. It will be scored over 30 points.

Lauren said...

Ok thanks about that one I mad an error I meant the pre algebra test sorry :) but if you could get back to me on that ut would be great!! And isnt Tomorow a Jean day?


Dawn said...

Lauren - Okay, yes the math will be longer and it's scored on 50 points.

Lauren said...

Goodnight Lauren

Dawn said...

And yes, it's a jean day.